During the 2021-22 school year, we will continue to adjust and update our health and safety protocols in the best interest of our students, staff and community.



Please complete a wellness check of your child before leaving for school. Arrival and dismissal procedures will be adjusted so that students will not congregate in large groups. Students with a temperature of 100.0 degrees or greater will be required to be picked up immediately.


When a lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive case occurs at a campus, all of the campus’s parents and staff will be notified. An individual’s name or identifying information will not be used for confidentiality purposes. Campus closings will be determined and will vary depending on the case, exposure, and other variables.


Parents must notify the school if their student tests positive for COVID-19.  Staff members must notify the school if they test positive.  All reports will be kept confidential.

Student Groupings

In an effort to keep a COVID-19 outbreak from occurring within the school, Odyssey Academy will structure groups of students and schedules to maintain separation between groups. This will help keep an outbreak within a small group of students, rather than spreading throughout the entire school. Depending on grade level, students may or may not share multiple teachers.

The different structures of grade level groupings are as follows:

  • SELF-CONTAINED CLASSES (Generally PK - 2nd grade): These classes have one teacher during the majority of the school day with support from a very limited number of school staff members.

  • CLASSES WITH MINIMAL CHANGES (Generally 3rd - 5th grade): These classes have two to four teachers during the school day with support from a very limited number of school staff members.

  • CLASSES WITH MULTIPLE CHANGES THROUGHOUT THE DAY (Generally 6th -12th grade): These classes have four to seven teachers during the school day with support from a very limited number of school staff members.

Social Distancing

Staff will work to ensure those on school campuses maintain social distance. As much as possible, students in classrooms will be socially distanced and positioned with space between one another. Classrooms may be used for breakfast and lunch. Students will be brought outside as often as possible.


Our custodial team has completed detailed training, covering the most effective disinfecting methods for the COVID-19 virus. We have implemented daily cleaning processes including deep sanitization protocols. Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected at least daily and between uses as feasible and necessary. When a lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive case occurs, a deep sanitization process will occur in all the areas the infected person may have spent time in. 

Face Coverings

Please understand that as this situation changes, we will all need to remain flexible and ready to adjust. Students are encouraged to wear their own masks and/or shields.

Hand Washing

Regular hand washing will be required and encouraged throughout the day.